European Parliament's Committee meeting on the EU's upcoming Chemical Strategy


On 29 June, the  Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee (ENVI) adopted a resolution calling on the European Commission to effectively ensure a high level of protection for health and the environment, minimising the exposure to hazardous chemicals, through the new EU chemicals strategy for sustainability. This Motion for a resolution was adopted by the European Parliament on 10 July, with 579 votes in favour, 18 votes against and 84 abstentions. 
The resolution calls for a comprehensive EU framework on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) and pesticides, minimizing human and environmental exposure to ECDs and speeding the transition towards low-risk pesticides. It also calls for a framework on Green innovation, by incentivizing sustainable chemistry, materials, and technologies, applying the same rules on harmful chemicals in recycled products, and by progressively replacing animal testing through expanded use of new methodologies and intelligent testing strategies.
The adoption of this resolution by the ENVI Committee confirms that the EU Parliament is ready to jointly tackle specific challenges regarding endocrine disruptors, pesticides and dangerous chemicals that have an effect and represent a hazard for both European citizens and the environment.

You can find the final amendments for the motion for resolution here

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