BTA was founded by four members: Haemonetics, Terumo BCT, Macopharma, and Fresenius.

Join our association and connect to a strong network of stakeholders within the blood sector, as well as policymakers and businesses who are also active in this field. Becoming a member of BTA means you can make your voice heard by providing input into policy and regulatory decisions that shape the blood transfusion environment. Through membership or participation, you can also benefit from the association’s expertise and resources.

What does it mean?

There are two types of membership: members and participants. These have been tailored to best suit the needs of the stakeholders that could be interested in engaging with the association and participating in its activities.

Businesses interested in promoting the correct use and safe supply of blood and blood components can apply for membership. Members enjoy the rights to attend or be represented at the General Assembly, as well as voting in said assemblies. Convening an Extraordinary General Assembly is also a possibility for members. Members can also participate in working groups and task forces, as well as other activities of the association.

Organisations that broadly support the promotion of blood donation, safe blood and blood component use and supply, or persons that wish to support or be involved in the activities of the Association can apply for participant status. Participants may attend or be represented at the General Assembly meeting upon invitation by the Board of Directors, but without the right to vote. They may also participate in the activities of the association as determined by the Board of Directors.

Becoming a member

Should you be interested in applying for membership or participant status, please contact the Secretariat to express your interest, and you will receive further information and details on the process. Contact us at .

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