Blood supply issues: a new work pillar for the BTA

In October 2020, the Commission set in stone its key priorities for the year 2021, which amongst others, included the revision of the EU legislation on blood, tissues and cells. In this context, an inception impact assessment was published in November 2020 by the Commission to inform citizens and stakeholders of the Commission’s plans and enable them to provide feedback on the initiative. As previously reported, the BTA provided feedback which is available here.

Further to this, stakeholders have been invited to participate in public and targeted consultations on the revision of the blood, tissues and cells legislation, between 21 January and 15 April 2021.  In response to this, the BTA has convened experts from its member companies to define the Association’s position on the revision and has in fact provided its structured feedback from the blood bag set manufacturing standpoint.

Details on the revision of the EU legislation on blood, tissues and cells, including the public consultations open until 15 April, can be found here.

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